Chong Liu @ University at Albany, State University of New York
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Open Positions
- [CS PhD Fall 2025] I'm recruiting two Ph.D. students starting Fall 2025. Click here to read the full advertisement. Feel free to drop me an email with your research interests, CV, transcript, and a representative writing sample (paper/preprint if any). However, due to the large volumes of inquiry emails, I may not be able to reply to all. I apologize in advance.
- [Remote Intern] I occasionally recruit remote interns to do some research projects, especially in summer. Feel free to drop me an email if you are interested!
Research Interests
- Machine Learning: Bayesian optimization, bandit algorithms, and active learning.
- AI for Science: experimental design, drug discovery, and materials science.
- Spring 2025: CSI 436/536 Machine Learning
- Fall 2024: CSI 436/536 Machine Learning [Syllabus]
- Dec. 2024: Invited to serve as an Area Chair of ICML-2025 conference!
- Nov. 2024: Happy to release a paper preprint "Constrained Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization through Optimistic Constraints Estimation"! Many drug discovery problems are focusing on hitting multiple target performance criteria of a certain drug. In this paper, we model it as the constrained MOBO problem and solve it via optimistic constraints estimation.
- Oct. 2024: Invited to serve as an Area Chair of AISTATS-2025 conference!
- Oct. 2024: I'm co-organizing the "Generative AI for Decision Making" session with Prof. Shixiang Zhu at INFROMS-2024! Also, I'll give an invited talk at the "Bayesian optimization" session. Happy to meet you in Seattle!
- Oct. 2024: Happy to release a review preprint "Binding Affinity Prediction: From Conventional to Machine Learning-Based Approaches"!
- Aug. 2024: Hello Albany, New York! I've moved from Chicago to Albany to start my faculty career!